December 21, 2018 5 min read

When most people think of the word “Hygge”, the first thing that comes to mind is… well, a bit of confusion surrounding how to pronounce it. After that hurdle is passed (its HUE-guh, by the way) some people may recognize the word from their Home Décor Pinterest board, a few of you may have seen it smattered across a collection of adorable coffee table books featured on Indigo display tables, and some of you won’t recognize it at all.

But all that’s about to change, my friends.

Hygge is a Danish word, meaning to “give courage, comfort, joy”. It’s no wonder that Denmark, along with Switzerland and Iceland are reportedly the happiest countries in the world - in the last few years, their mainstream culture’s focus has turned from rampant, exhausting productivity, to self care and meaningful nurturing. People are embracing all the little things, all the joyous moments, that make these long winter days feel a little cozier. Especially now, with the surge of post-holiday sluggishness, it’s all too easy to forget the warmth and coziness and togetherness which seems to expire at the end of December. In the moments when we need it most, we often cast aside the need for self-care, and the importance of creating a space where you (not your friends, not your college roomates who are coming back for the holidays, not your overbearing aunt who makes passive-aggressive comments about your fashion sense) but creating a space that YOU love coming home to.

There’s no roadmap to achieving a Hygge life, no template to follow which tells you what to do and when. Hygge culture is about figuring out which things bring YOU comfort and joy, and filling the space in your home and life with these things, while ridding the space of all the things that bring you stress, discomfort, or disappointment. Hygge is about experiencing full-sensory comfort, and indulging in the ability to pause and be present. The Danish began turning to the Hygge lifestyle during the cold, wet, dark months of the winter, but the spirit of Hygge can be embraced and celebrated all year long.

what does hygge look like?

What does Hygge look like?

Hygge looks like photos of the family and friends you love dearly. It looks like things that you made, are proud of, or aspire to achieve. It looks like objects and souvenirs which bring you back to moments of delight, indulgence, freedom. It could look like outfitting your whole home with colours and textures which make you feel safe, warm, and protected. It looks like happy kids, their attention captured by their favourite movie. It could look like blankets strewn across your seating areas, with a pile of soft pillows to unwind in at the end of a long day. It could look like your favourite mug, washed and waiting eagerly for its next cup of tea. It sometimes looks like a collection of your favourite books within arm’s reach of your favourite reading spot, and on occasion it looks like a warm animal curled up in your lap. It looks like all the things, layers of things, that bring you back to a place of peace and wellness and joy.

what does hygge smell like?

What does Hygge smell like?

To me, Hygge smells like baking bread and our Vanilla Fig candle, both scents swirling into a luxurious cocktail of blended happiness. (Full disclosure, it’s usually just the candle since I’m not much of a baker, but one can dream.) To my partner, it smells like a turkey dinner with a gravy-soaked mountain of mashed potatoes and stuffing. The smells of Hygge vary as widely as the people who interpret them, but the common thread is that scent, while often overlooked, is the strongest of all the senses connected to your memories. If the smell of freshly washed laundry intoxicates you, add a few extra drops of your favourite essential oil to your next load to amplify those lovely smells even more. If you cherish your me-moments in the bath, turn your experience into an immersive one by soaking and bathing in your favourite scent, and layering on a moisturizer which will keep your skin feeling great – the smell will linger long after you’ve towelled off! Deep breath in, deep breath out. Isn’t that just lovely?

what does Hygge feel like?

What does Hygge feel like?

Hygge feels like taking off your uncomfortable, binding work clothes and easing into your favourite pyjama pants at the end of a long day. It feels like switching from boots to slippers. It feels like the first sip of hot tea on a freezing day. It feels like warming your chilly hands in front of a crackling fire. It feels like comfort and relief and contentment and coziness and security. That sherpa-lined velour blanket you love to cuddle with is Hygge, as is snuggling up with a partner or cherished friend on a cold night and marathoning your favourite films. It feels like checking in on sleeping little ones, and gently tiptoeing down the hallway as they slumber peacefully. It feels like a full belly after a satisfying meal, and it feels like a bear hug from a friend you haven’t seen in far too long. It feels like soft sheets, warm sweaters and extra pairs of woolly socks. It feels like you’ve mindfully curated the textures and fabrics in your home and wardrobe to, above all, provide comfort and warmth. Even your too-sassy French bulldog who sometimes forgets he’s a dog and not a person could be Hygge, if he’d just stop it with the attitude. But I digress.

How do I make Hygge work for me?

There is no Hygge switch to flip, no checklist of tasks or items to buy to qualify us as Hygge-pros. Rather, with each item we collect, if we are mindful about what it contributes to our homes and lives, we begin to accumulate items which bring us the type of joy and comfort that Hygge is all about. It’s a matter of ensuring your environment is full of things that make you happy – whatever those items are, and whatever your lifestyle is. I’ve challenged myself to incorporate the Hygge lifestyle into how I dress – The cold months are brutal in Toronto if you rely on transit, which most of us do, so I’ll be layering on fleece and scarves this year rather than being concerned with how fashionable I look as I slip around the mucky, grey-slushed streets of the city. A friend of mine will be swapping out some of her ultra-chic artwork for family photos and mementos. A pal is hosting a Hygge post-holiday party – no fancy outfits or swanky dinners to be seen, it’ll be blankets and tea for everyone, tasty treats to nourish the body and bring comfort to all who attend, and a mandatory dress code of sweats or PJs.

how do I make Hygge work for me?

How do you bring comfort and joy, or the Hygge lifestyle, into your home? Let us know below, and share your tips and tricks with the rest of the community!

Written by:

SAL JamieProfessional Enthusiast| Lemonade Connoisseur| Dog Mom

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