February 09, 2017 2 min read 1 Comment

Love holds an endless ability in the ways in which it can be expressed through beautiful actions. We wanted to take a moment to recognize the ways people are able to show their love to another person, without using words.

Our workshop team in Canmore were asked if they would like to share any examples of the ways their partners say ‘I love you’ to them, without actually saying those three famous words. There were two wonderfully consistent themes:

  1. The Rocky team was more than happy to share, and while recounting each of their stories, each person would always smile (and often had several examples!)
  2. Each story was full of simple, everyday gestures their partners had made, that meant the world to them.

ways to say I love you without words Here are a few of the stories the Rocky team shared:

"She’ll leave me surprise notes. One time, while I was at the dentist, she stopped at my car and left me a note under my windshield wiper. She’s pretty great.”
– Alex, Design

"During winter, when I come home from being outside, she’ll dust all the snow off my wheelchair and set out another chair on the side I can transfer to while I take my snow gear off. It’s something so simple but makes the biggest difference. She always does it, and it means a lot"
Cat, Gift Set Production

“I come up with some pretty wacky goals and ambitions for myself, but whatever they are, my wife always supports what I dream up. She lets me live my dreams.”
– Mike, Web Team

"He gets out of bed on a morning first, when he doesn’t have to, to make me coffee before work. He even uses my almond milk too because he knows I can’t have regular milk. Then he usually goes back to bed!”
Salina, Marketing

“He’ll make me a cup of tea every single morning. I can’t leave the house without it, and he always makes one for me. I could actually give a ton of other ways he shows it!”
Lynn, Shipping

“It is the practical things that mean the most to me - like going grocery shopping or washing the dishes, so I don't have to. The thing he does that really makes me feel loved is when he gets up with the kids and lets me sleep in.”
– April, Retail

Happy Valentine’s Day, from us to you.

1 Response


March 23, 2017

What a lovely way to remind us not to take our loved ones for granted. Thanks team for sharing ❤️

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