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Proudly Made in Canada—Free Shipping Over $50 CA & US
March 03, 2020 4 min read
Happy International Women’s Day! Every year, March 8 marks a day to celebrate the hard-working, inspiring women in your life. This day, that’s been around for well over a century, is also a touchstone for women’s rights and equality.
The first Women’s Day took place in 1909 and was organised by the Socialist Party of America. In 1910, it was proposed German revolutionary Clara Zetkin at the International Socialist Women’s Conference that March 8 mark a day to commemorate working women — that would make Women's Day about 110!
We asked the Rocky team, who's a woman that inspires you?
"My mother and my sister constantly inspire me. Throughout my life, my mother has provided us with an incredible example of how to tread lightly through life; how to be resilient; and how to keep laughter in your heart even in the most challenging situations. My sister is three years younger than me, but she was always wise beyond her years, and she has already accomplished so much. Like all admirable women out there, both of them are powerhouses, extremely giving of their time and energy, nurturing and caring for everyone in their life."
- Camille
“Kerri, my sister is seven years older than me, so naturally for as long as I can remember she has been someone I have looked up to. Yes, she's beautiful, bright and intelligent but she is so much more ...
From teaching me how to paint my nails to unconditional love even when I stole her favourite t-shirt, She has taught me to use my voice to be an advocate for what I believe in, and that I can face any adversity in life as long as I believe in myself.”
- Kait
“I can not think of a more deserving woman of recognition. Rebekah is an inspiration for health in every aspect. A mother of 3 and her whole family are incredible athletes and do so much within the community. In search of answers to heal her son, she began buying the healthiest foods she could in bulk and dividing it between friends. This grew into one of Red Deer’s hidden gems, Purearth Organics (organic grocery store and café), where she supports local, organic or wild foraged foods and remedies. Her business has inspired so many people to be more sustainable and healthy in one of the gentlest ways … that meets people wherever they are in life. I was lucky enough to work for her and be inspired by her leadership, athleticism, mothering, and impact on the community. She is a woman who has inspired so many women that they are deserving of self-care, following their hearts, and taking care of their bodies, and communities <3.”
- Chelsea
“My mom and dad divorced when I was 13 and my mom spent probably 5 years sleeping on a couch so both my sister and I could have our own bedrooms… That’s pretty good inspiration for me.”
- Cam
“I would like to share about my Grandmother-In-Law-Baba. She's passed now, but boy was she a spunky inspirational lady to the end.
She was a very determined and loving person, believing if she put her heart and mind into anything, she could accomplish it. She ran multiple businesses, was a big community volunteer and raised an extended family. Her vision, energy and humour was contagious and part of what made her such a remarkable woman, leader and inspiration to her family and community. Whether it was in her hair salon taking care of clients into her 80’s [She had been seeing some of them for 50 years], raising her family or re-roofing the house in her 70’s, you could always count on Rose for her work ethic, sound advice or an incredible home cooked meal. She was the type of person that could raise an entire community with her tireless energy and that’s exactly what she did for her time here.”
- Sarah
“My best friend Kait is the most inspirational woman in my life. Not only does she inspire me to set goals in both my personal and professional life. But she is always there for support or to lend a helping hand while achieving those goals. I couldn't ask for a better best friend.”
- Kendra (submitted 2017)
“The most inspirational woman in my life is my best friend/practically Sister, Erin. She constantly amazes me with her perseverance and her commitment to kindness. I have always been the hot-headed one, and she is always there to remind me to show compassion. We have known each other since childhood, and we've hit ups and downs, but she never lets the world make her angry or mistrustful. She remains one of the strongest and most compassionate souls I've ever met.”
- Lucy (submitted 2017)
“My mom was a working woman, a chauffeur, soccer coach, soccer mom, therapist, friend, entertainer, chef, maid; the list goes on forever. It took me a really long time to really appreciate what my mom has done, and continues to do for me. Life didn't pan out the way she had planned. Not for one second would I blame my mom for the way it panned out. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't be the woman I am today! My mom is my superhero, my best friend and so much more. If she could see herself through my eyes, she'd say the same thing! For everything she's gone through, she has become and continues to be such a strong woman, and I am so inspired to be as strong and encouraging as she is one day. I know she doesn't see any of these qualities in herself, so I would love for the world to see and recognize the truly amazing woman she is! I love you, Mom.”
- Taegan (submitted 2017)
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