June 19, 2019 3 min read 1 Comment

Do you take your essential oils outside? Is this something you've never even considered before? Well if you haven't this is a game-changer, because essential oils can be essential outdoors.

Essential Oils

Summer is upon us, we are starting to be right in the thick of it. The heat is coming and the adventures are beginning. Before we know it, school will be out for the summer and the adventures will begin. So, what natural products can you take outside to help with your adventures?

Essential Oils Outride

Essential oils are actually great to take with you either to use topically or diffused and are so useful, compact and all natural. So, which should you take outside?

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil is one of the best known essential oils out there. You can probably picture the lavender plants and almost smell lavender. Not only does it smell amazing but it is actually a natural anti-inflammatory. This means that Lavender Essential Oil can actually help to reduce redness and skin irritation.

Lavender Essential Oil is great for treating burns and pesky bug bites. If you add a few drops (up to 5) to 10ml of carrier oil like coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil, apricot oil or rosehip oil you can apply it onto your skin topically in small quantities.

Fun tip: Diffuse it onto your pillow to get a deep sleep while camping. It is a total sense of bliss in your tent.

Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint has been known as an essential oil and herb for hundreds of years. It dates back so far and can be found across the planet. As a member of the mint family, it has been regarded as one of the world's oldest medicines, no wonder it is a great essential oil to take with you outside. It is known to be cooling and energizing.

If you are applying Peppermint Essential Oil topically, mix with a carrier oil. Then you can apply to your temples to relieve tension, or the back of your neck for a cooling sensation. This is great if you are out in the summer heat! Feel that chill.

Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea Tree Essential Oil

Did you know that Tea Tree Oil is actually a traditional antiseptic? Cool fact right! It also has antibacterial properties. It is a seriously multifunctional essential oil. In the outdoors, it is great to have in your bag if you are camping or adventuring.

The best thing about Tea Tree Essential Oil outside? It is good for treating minor spots and wounds. To do so, clean the wound with soap and water, mix a drop of tea tree oil with 10ml of coconut oil, add a small amount to the cut, cover with a bandaid. Woah, a natural healer!

Another pro-tip: If you combine a couple of drops of Peppermint, Tea Tree and Lavender Essential Oils with a carrier oil, together they'll make a great bug bite and skin treatment. Too much work? Grab the breakout buster instead.

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Eucalyptus Essential Oil is great for soothing coughs and sore throats when diffused. It is known to also clear congestion, which can be great if you happen to have seasonal allergies outside on your camping adventures.

It is also great for your bug bites and skin irritations. Woah, look at all these essential oils naturally repairing your skin and helping with minor irritations. Of course, make sure you dilute it with a carrier oil before applying topically.

Don't Want to Worry About Straight Essential Oils?

Use Essential Oils Outside

Grab a breakout buster to use on pesky bug bites. It is filled with Lemon, Grapefruit, Tea Tree, Peppermint and Lavender oil, all the ones you'll want outside.

Or if you want the cooling off feeling of peppermint essential oil then you can always opt for the camping bag ready Cool Off Wellness Spray.

Tips for Essential Oils

Tips for Essential Oils

Make sure that you are always diluting pure essential oils, you never want to put them straight onto your skin or body. Check each essential oil for the amount of dilution they should have before use.

If you are pregnant or expecting, there are some different cautions you should take when using essential oils. We have written out a whole guide for using essential oils when pregnant.

If you are in bear country or camping really remotely with wildlife, then you don't want to smell like food. So bear that in mind before putting essential oils on yourself and equipment!

1 Response


December 13, 2019

thanks for sharing benefits of using Lavender essential oil for outdoor use and is great for treating burns and pesky bug bites. Also check this bloglavender-oil to see more benefits of Lavender essential oil.

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